Cold Cracking in Welding Explained

Cold Cracking in Welding Explained

In welding, one major challenge is addressing cold cracking. Also known as hydrogen-induced cracking or delayed cracking, cold cracking poses a serious threat to the integrity of welded structures. In this article, we'll delve into the reasons behind cold cracking, explore different types of cold cracks, and discuss strategies to prevent them.

Recognizing Cold Cracking

Cold cracking occurs when cracks form in a solidified weld, primarily in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) or weld metal itself. This phenomenon can occur during various welding methods, including shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), and flux-cored arc welding (FCAW).

Types of Cold Cracks

Cold cracking can manifest in several ways, including:

  • Transverse Cracking: These cracks form across the weld, perpendicular to its direction, commonly found within the heat-affected zone (HAZ) or fusion zone. They often result from stresses during cooling, particularly in high-strength steel welds.

cold crack transverse crack explained

  • Longitudinal Cracking: These cracks run parallel to the weld's direction, occurring in the base material or along the fusion line. They are typically attributed to high welding speeds, improper electrode selection, or excessive weld width.

cold cracking longitudinal crack explained

  • Root Cracking: Originating at the root or fusion zone of a welded joint, these cracks often align with the weld's center-line. They stem from factors such as insufficient root penetration, high residual stresses, or improper joint preparation.

    cold cracking root crack explained

  • Toe Cracking: These cracks emerge at the toe of the weld, where the weld metal meets the base material. They commonly arise due to rapid cooling rates, inadequate filler metal composition, or improper welding techniques, such as excessive heat input.

    cold cracking toe crack explained

Causes of Cold Cracking

Several factors contribute to cold cracking in welding, including:

  • Hydrogen Embrittlement: Hydrogen, present in the welding process due to moisture or electrode coatings, diffuses into the weld metal, creating atomic hydrogen. Trapped hydrogen can cause internal pressure, leading to crack initiation and propagation.
  • Residual Stress: Welding induces significant thermal stresses in the material, resulting in residual stress. Cold cracking occurs when the material becomes brittle or when stress exceeds its tensile strength.
  • Alloy Composition: Certain alloying elements, such as sulfur and phosphorus, can increase susceptibility to cold cracking by forming low-melting-point eutectics that promote fracture formation during solidification.

Real-World Examples

Cold cracking poses significant challenges in various sectors, including:

  • Pipeline Welding: Welds in pipelines in the oil and gas industry are particularly sensitive to cold cracking due to the presence of hydrogen and high residual stress. Cracks can compromise structural integrity, leading to leaks or catastrophic failures.
  • Structural Steel Welding: Cold cracking can occur in welded joints in steel structures like bridges and buildings, reducing overall strength and increasing the risk of collapse.

Preventive Measures and Solutions

To prevent cold cracking, welders and engineers can take several precautions, including:

  • Preheating: Heating the base material before welding to reduce thermal stress induced by the welding process.
  • Hydrogen Control: Managing hydrogen levels through proper welding procedures, low-hydrogen electrodes, and maintaining a dry welding environment.
  • Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT): Subjecting welded structures to controlled heating and cooling cycles to relieve residual stresses.
  • Welding Technique: Using appropriate welding parameters and sequences to optimize the welding process and minimize stress concentration.


Cold cracking presents a significant challenge in welding, but with proper understanding and preventive measures, it can be effectively managed. By controlling hydrogen levels, minimizing residual stress, and employing suitable preheating and heat treatment techniques, welders can ensure the integrity and reliability of their welds, preventing costly failures across various industries.